hire cross platform developer

Hire Xamarin Developer

We Help You Hire a Xamarin Developer From South America


The process of finding the best outsourcing firm for hiring a Xamarin App Developer can be time-consuming and stressful. In order to be the best Cross Platform Xamarin developer for your role, you need to be smart, responsible, hardworking, and with proven cross platform App skills and experience. 

Our customized AI matching algorithm helps us find the best Xamarin developer for your development project. By using both data and personal interviews, we ensure your team is a great match. 

We can help you hire a Xamarin developer who can contribute quality code to your team right away. Our hiring process has been refined over several years, which is why many startups rely on it. Our experienced Xamarin developers will be the perfect addition to your team when you hire with Hire Cross Platform Developer.

Work In US Hours

Since our Xamarin developers are in Brazil, they can communicate and integrate with your existing team while working US hours.

Rates from South America

Our team consists of talented and experienced Xamarin developers from South America who want to work with US companies.

No Benefits or Taxes to pay

You pay a monthly or hourly rate, we handle all local employment taxes, employee benefits, and all other employment costs.

Tested Developers Only

Our testing process ensures that any Xamarin developer you hire will be a skilled professional who has passed our tests.


Went above and beyond when there was a management deficiency on our side, they stepped in to help and made sure the project was delivered on time.
Hendrik Duerkop
Director Technology at Statista
They provided the key technical skills and staffing power we needed to augment our existing teams. Not only that, it was all done at great speed and low cost
Jason Pappas
CEO Rocket Docs
Showcased great communication, technical skills, honesty, and integrity. More importantly, they are experts who deliver complex projects on time and on budget!
Sachin Kainth
Director Technology MountStreetGroup

Why Use Xamarin for Cross Platform App Development?


Xamarin is a popular cross-platform app development framework that allows developers to build native mobile applications for iOS, Android, and Windows using a single codebase. It provides a range of advantages that make it a compelling choice for cross-platform app development.

Native Performance and User Experience

Xamarin enables developers to create high-performance apps with a native look and feel. It allows direct access to native APIs, ensuring smooth performance and optimal user experience. By leveraging native capabilities, Xamarin apps can take full advantage of platform-specific features and functionalities, providing a seamless and immersive user interface.

Code Sharing and Efficiency

With Xamarin, developers can write shared code using C# or .NET, significantly reducing development time and effort. The shared codebase can be reused across multiple platforms, eliminating the need for separate codebases for each platform. This code sharing capability simplifies maintenance, bug fixes, and updates, leading to faster development cycles and cost savings.

Seamless Integration with Existing Technologies

Xamarin seamlessly integrates with existing technologies and development ecosystems. It offers comprehensive support for third-party libraries, frameworks, and tools, enabling developers to leverage their preferred tools for app development. Xamarin also integrates well with popular IDEs like Visual Studio, allowing developers to utilize familiar development environments and tools.

An Attractive Framework for Cross Platform App creation

Xamarin offers native performance, code sharing capabilities, and seamless integration, making it an attractive framework for cross-platform app development. With Xamarin, developers can build high-performance, native-like applications while leveraging the efficiency of code sharing. Its ability to integrate with existing technologies and development ecosystems further enhances its appeal. When considering cross-platform app development, Xamarin provides a powerful and efficient solution for building robust applications across multiple platforms.

Xamarin iOS Andriod
Hire A With Us! Fast

Oscar Martins

Sr Xamarin Developer

11+ Years of C# 8+ Years of Xamarin App Development. Enjoys working on complex Apps.


Francisco Soares

Xamarin Developer

6+ Years of Xamarin development. He has experience in legal industry apps


Cristiano Ribeiro

Cross Platform App Developer

8+ Years of C# 8+ Years of Cross Platform Xamarin App development. Has lots of experience in ecommerce apps.

What does a Xamarin Developer do?

A Xamarin developer is responsible for developing cross-platform applications using the Xamarin framework. Their role involves designing, coding, testing, and maintaining mobile apps that run on iOS, Android, and Windows platforms. They utilize their expertise in C# and the .NET framework to write shared code that can be reused across multiple platforms.

They work closely with designers and stakeholders to understand project requirements and translate them into functional and visually appealing applications. They implement user interfaces using Xamarin.Forms or platform-specific UI frameworks, ensuring a consistent and intuitive user experience.

In Addition, Xamarin developers handle platform-specific integrations, such as accessing native APIs, utilizing device features, and integrating with backend systems. They conduct rigorous testing to identify and fix bugs, optimize performance, and ensure the app’s stability across different devices.

dev at work
Our Awards

A Solid Cross Platform App Development Partner

Hire Cross Platform Developer

Developing cross platform apps and websites requires an experienced and reliable partner. Because of this, we offer our customers a premium and professional service. Get in touch with us today to kick off your cross platform development team!

How to Hire a Xamarin Developer with us?

Three steps are needed to hire a Xamarin developer from us:

  1. Make sure you’ve written a detailed description of what you need and your project, then click send and we’ll get back to you.

  2. Receiving resumes and interviewing Xamarin developers. Shortlist professionals you are interested in interviewing once the proposals start coming in.

Your requirement description is where you will determine your scope of work and what kind of Xamarin developer you will need.

Include the following information when requesting a detailed response:

  • Outline everything you’ll need, from iOS, and Android Apps to websites and APIs, to big data analytics.

  • You should indicate in your job the budget of the project

  • If you require experience in a specific industry, or system, please mention that here.

  • Your preference for hourly rates vs. prices per month should be noted.

How much does it cost to Hire a Xamarin Developer?

There are many factors that influence cost, including expertise, experience, location, and the market conditions.

  • As well as charging higher fees, an experienced Xamarin Developer will deliver higher-quality results, work faster, and have more specialized knowledge.

  • A beginner’s Xamarin development services may be more competitive as they gain experience. 

The hourly rates of our South American Xamarin developers are as follows:


Prices From
  • Works to U.S time zones
  • No Recruitment Fees
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Fulltime Working for you
  • No Unreliable Freelancers


Prices From
  • Works to U.S time zones
  • No Recruitment Fees
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Fulltime Working for you
  • No Unreliable Freelancers


Prices From
  • Works to U.S time zones
  • No Recruitment Fees
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Fulltime Working for you
  • No Unreliable Freelancers

Our Xamarin Developers are from South America!

There is a possibility that the price of developers will vary slightly depending on the exact skill and experience requirements and availability.

The best option depends on the specifics of your project.

What does Xamarin App code look like?

Xamarin allows developers to write cross-platform code using C# and the .NET framework. This code can be shared across iOS, Android, and Windows platforms, resulting in efficient and streamlined development. Xamarin provides a unified API surface, allowing developers to access platform-specific features and functionalities while maintaining a single codebase.

using Xamarin.Forms;

public class MainPage : ContentPage
    public MainPage()
        var nameLabel = new Label
            Text = "Enter your name:"

        var nameEntry = new Entry
            Placeholder = "Name"

        var submitButton = new Button
            Text = "Submit"
        submitButton.Clicked += (sender, args) =>
            var name = nameEntry.Text;
            DisplayAlert("Greetings", $"Hello, {name}!", "OK");

        Content = new StackLayout
            Padding = new Thickness(20),
            Children = { nameLabel, nameEntry, submitButton }

This Xamarin code demonstrates the ability to create a basic UI layout and handle user input using shared code that can be executed on multiple platforms, showcasing the simplicity and effectiveness of Xamarin’s cross-platform development approach.

Interview Questions you should ask a Xamarin Developer before you hire them!

Can you explain the concept of code sharing in Xamarin?

This question evaluates the candidate’s understanding of Xamarin’s code-sharing capabilities. They should be able to describe how Xamarin allows developers to write a single codebase in C# and reuse it across multiple platforms like iOS, Android, and Windows. A good response will highlight the advantages of code sharing, such as reduced development time, consistent functionality, and easier maintenance.

How does Xamarin ensure native performance in cross-platform apps?

This question assesses the candidate’s knowledge of Xamarin’s approach to achieving native performance. The ideal answer will mention Xamarin’s use of a shared runtime, Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation, and Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation. They should explain how Xamarin optimizes code execution to match the performance of native applications, resulting in a seamless and responsive user experience.


What are the key differences between Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.Native?

This question tests the candidate’s familiarity with Xamarin’s two development approaches. They should explain that Xamarin.Forms allows for a shared user interface and business logic across platforms, while Xamarin.Native involves developing separate UIs for each platform. The candidate should also mention scenarios where each approach is typically used, considering factors such as design flexibility and platform-specific requirements.

Team Work

Do you enjoy working in a team or alone?

This question can be answered in diverse ways, engineers usually have different combinations of skills. It may be important for you to hire an Xamarin engineer who is hardworking and can work independently. The opposite would be to want someone who has a good working relationship with others and isn’t stubborn.

How do you handle platform-specific functionality in Xamarin?

This question assesses the candidate’s knowledge of Xamarin’s capability to access platform-specific APIs and features. They should describe how Xamarin allows developers to use platform-specific code through the use of interfaces, dependency injection, or platform-specific renderers. A strong response will showcase their experience in utilizing Xamarin’s platform-specific integrations and their understanding of maintaining a shared codebase while incorporating native functionality.

Xamarin Development History

Xamarin is a cross-platform app development framework that allows developers to build native mobile applications using C# and the .NET framework. Understanding the history of Xamarin provides insights into its evolution and acquisition by Microsoft, shaping its current state as a powerful tool for cross-platform development.

Founding and Early Years

Xamarin was founded by engineers Miguel de Icaza and Nat Friedman in 2011. Originally known as “Xamarin Studio,” the company aimed to simplify cross-platform development by leveraging the power of C# and the .NET framework. Their vision was to enable developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows.

Acquisition by Microsoft

In February 2016, Xamarin gained significant recognition and support when Microsoft announced its acquisition of the company. Xamarin became an integral part of Microsoft’s developer ecosystem, further solidifying its position as a leading framework for cross-platform development. Microsoft integrated Xamarin into its Visual Studio IDE, enabling developers to use Xamarin alongside other Microsoft tools and technologies seamlessly.

Integration and Advancements

Since its acquisition, Xamarin has experienced significant growth and advancement. Microsoft enhanced its offerings by introducing Xamarin.Forms, which simplifies UI development with shared code across platforms. Xamarin.Essentials was also introduced, providing a unified API for accessing device-specific functionalities. Additionally, Microsoft made Xamarin open source, allowing contributions from the developer community and expanding its capabilities further.

Xamarin Vs React Native which is the best Cross Platform App Development Framework?

Flutter vs Xamarin

When it comes to cross-platform app development, Xamarin and React Native are two popular frameworks with their unique strengths and features. Evaluating their differences and advantages can help determine the best choice for specific development needs and preferences.

Performance and Native Experience

Xamarin allows developers to build native apps using C# and the .NET framework, providing access to native APIs and delivering high-performance user experiences. React Native, on the other hand, utilizes a bridge to communicate with native components, which can introduce slight performance limitations. While React Native offers a native-like experience, Xamarin’s direct access to platform-specific features often results in a smoother and more consistent native experience.

Development Efficiency and Code Reusability

Xamarin excels in code sharing, as it allows developers to write shared code in C# that can be reused across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows. React Native also promotes code sharing, but it primarily focuses on sharing UI components and business logic, rather than the entire codebase. Xamarin’s extensive code-sharing capabilities can lead to faster development cycles, reduced maintenance efforts, and cost savings.

Ecosystem and Community Support

React Native benefits from a robust ecosystem and a large developer community, as it was initially developed and is actively maintained by Facebook. It offers a wide range of pre-built components, libraries, and plugins. Xamarin, acquired by Microsoft, integrates seamlessly with the broader Microsoft ecosystem and tooling. It enjoys strong support from the .NET community and provides extensive documentation and resources.

Which to choose?

The choice between Xamarin and React Native depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the development project. Xamarin excels in performance and code sharing capabilities, while React Native offers a strong ecosystem and community support. Evaluating factors such as performance needs, code sharing priorities, platform-specific requirements, and existing technical expertise will help determine the best cross-platform app development framework for each unique scenario.

Why are we a great choice to hire a Xamarin developer from?

Providing experienced Xamarin developers at competitive prices is what we offer as a leading Nearshore Technology Solutions company. It is our goal to provide our clients with high-performance, scalable App development solutions.

Our cross-platform development expertise and project management experience help accelerate or rescue app development projects. With one goal in mind: creating lasting value throughout the development of your project.

Since 2014, we have paired hundreds of skilled app developers with great teams for startups and tech companies around the world.

As part of your organization, our Cross Platform Xamarin developers work as devoted members of your team.

In order to ensure that Xamarin developers we provide are capable of communicating effectively, are remote work capable, and have technical skills (both in Cross-Platform development and App development, but also in software development and computer science), they undergo a rigorous vetting process.

Low Cost

Costs are usually reduced by outsourcing. A foreign Xamarin engineer costs less than an American software engineer. As a result, your overall employment costs will be reduced significantly as well. Employers don’t have to pay employment taxes, benefits, or redundancy liabilities in the U.S. or Europe.

Faster Growth

Almost any industry can benefit from a rapid expansion and downsizing. When you outsource South American Xamarin developers to us, your business can scale up and down as needed.

Verified Experience

As a Cross Platform App development outsourcing company we have extensive experience helping businesses reach their goals. This will ensure that your App is delivered on time and on budget.

Why hire a Xamarin Developer for cross platform App development?

Hiring a Xamarin developer for cross-platform app development brings several valuable advantages. Firstly, Xamarin allows developers to build native apps using C# and the .NET framework, resulting in high-performance applications with a native user experience. With a Xamarin developer’s expertise, businesses can leverage these capabilities to deliver seamless and responsive apps across multiple platforms.

Xamarin enables code sharing across platforms, reducing development time and effort. A Xamarin developer can write shared code that can be reused across iOS, Android, and Windows, leading to faster development cycles and cost savings.

Developing apps with Xamarin integrates well with the Microsoft ecosystem, offering seamless integration with tools like Visual Studio. This synergy streamlines the development process and allows developers to leverage existing Microsoft technologies.

Overall, hiring a Xamarin developer empowers businesses to create high-quality, cross-platform applications efficiently, utilizing native performance, code sharing capabilities, and seamless integration with existing systems.


What is best way to code test a Xamarin Developer?

How to test

To effectively code test a Xamarin developer, we employ a multi-step approach. Beginning by reviewing their resume and portfolio to assess their Xamarin experience and completed projects. We look for Xamarin certifications or relevant training courses.

Next, we conduct a technical interview to gauge their knowledge and problem-solving abilities. Asking questions about Xamarin’s core concepts, such as code sharing, platform-specific integrations, UI development, and performance optimization. We request the candidate to solve coding challenges or provide sample Xamarin projects to evaluate their coding skills and understanding of best practices.

Additionally, we encourage the candidate to explain their previous Xamarin projects, discussing design decisions, performance optimizations, and challenges faced. Assessing their ability to articulate their thought process and problem-solving approach.

By combining these approaches, we can effectively assess a Xamarin developer’s technical skills, Xamarin expertise, problem-solving capabilities, and familiarity with best practices. It also provides us insights into their ability to work with the Xamarin ecosystem and deliver high-quality Xamarin applications.

Looking to take advantage of South American rates for Xamarin Developers?

What’s the best way to manage Xamarin Developers once you hire them?

Managing Xamarin developers effectively is essential for successful project execution and team productivity. A well-structured management approach fosters collaboration, ensures clear communication, and supports the growth and success of Xamarin development teams.

Clearly Define Roles and Responsibilities

Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of Xamarin developers within the team. Ensure that each team member understands their specific tasks, deliverables, and areas of expertise. Clearly communicating expectations and goals helps to align the team and promotes accountability.

How to Manage

Provide a Collaborative and Supportive Environment

Create a collaborative and supportive work environment for Xamarin developers. Encourage open communication, knowledge sharing, and constructive feedback. Foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development. Support Xamarin developers in acquiring new skills and staying updated with the latest Xamarin and mobile app development trends.

Use Agile Methodologies for Project Management

Implement agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, for project management. Break down project tasks into manageable iterations, prioritize work items, and conduct regular sprints and team meetings. This promotes transparency, effective task management, and regular progress updates. Agile methodologies also facilitate adaptation to changing project requirements and enhance team collaboration.

Regular Performance Reviews and Feedback

Conduct regular performance reviews to provide feedback and guidance to Xamarin developers. Set clear performance goals and measure progress against them. Offer constructive feedback to help them improve their skills and performance. Recognize and acknowledge their achievements to boost motivation and team morale. Regular performance reviews also provide an opportunity to discuss career growth and professional development plans.

Team Enablement

How long does a Xamarin Developer job last on average?

US Cross Platform Xamarin App Developers stay in their jobs on average for 1.8 to 3.2 years, with larger companies tending to retain their workers longer. The average time spent in Brazil is 2.4 to 4.1 years, with those in Sao Paulo spending the least. Someone used to spend their entire career working for the same company in the past.

Senior Xamarin developers often transition from job to job, in search of new opportunities and more money, as such longevity is becoming rarer and rarer. With a low unemployment rate and a desperate need for tech professionals with mobile app development, cloud apis, and other vital skills, the most in-demand tech pros can migrate from one job to the next very easily (even as freelancers). To attract and retain top talent, we offer perks and communication with our employees.

Leaving Work

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Our services are trusted by hundreds of startups and tech companies worldwide, and we have matched hundreds of skilled developers to great App development teams in the US, UK and Canada. Every App developer in our network goes through a vetting process to verify their communication abilities, remote work readiness, and technical skills, both for depth in Cross Platform app development and breadth across the greater programming domain.

The job description of a Cross Platform Xamarin Developer should include the following:

  • Developing, implementing, and managing Apps

  • New app testing and evaluation

  • Enhancing existing apps by identifying areas for improvement

  • Coding c# in an efficient manner

  • Analyzing operational feasibility

  • Establishing procedures for quality assurance

  • Implementing software tools, processes, and metrics

  • Upgrades and maintenance of existing apps

  • Assisting other developers, UX designers, and business analysts with their tasks

It’s not enough to just ship features; your software needs to help your business succeed. In order to better understand what you’re building, for whom, and why, we’ll begin our collaboration with a discovery process.

Our headquarters are in Sao Paulo, Brazil. We have clients from all over the world. We have successfully collaborated with companies in North America, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. A good understanding of each client and excellent English communication skills help the process run smoothly.

We can work with you to scale the team down as needed and make sure you have the correct skills required for each project phase.

All Types! You can hire a Xamarin Developer on a full-time, part-time, or contract-to-hire basis at Hire Cross Platform Developer. You can find a Xamarin developer in a time zone that suits your needs thanks to our global network of skilled software engineers. Developers who work remotely for us are all mid- and senior-level professionals, ready to code right away.